How Do I Get Over A Long Term Relationship

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How to Get Over a Long-Term Relationship

Breaking up is never easy, but it can be especially difficult when you’ve been in a long-term relationship. After all, you’ve shared so much of your life with this person. You’ve grown and changed together, and you’ve built a life together. It’s no wonder losing all that can feel like losing a part of yourself.

If you’re going through a breakup, know that you’re not alone. Millions of people go through breakups every year, and while it may not feel like it now, you will eventually heal and move on. In the meantime, here are a few tips to help you get over a long-term relationship:

Allow Yourself to Grieve

The first step to getting over a breakup is to allow yourself to grieve. This means giving yourself time to feel the pain of the loss. Don’t try to bottle up your emotions or pretend that you’re over it. Allow yourself to cry, scream, or do whatever you need to do to process the pain.

Grief is a process, and it takes time. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. Just allow yourself to feel whatever you’re feeling and don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends, family, or a therapist, if needed.

Take Care of Yourself

During a breakup, it’s important to take care of yourself, both physically and emotionally. Make sure you’re eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. These things will help you to feel better both physically and mentally.

It’s also important to do things that make you happy. Spend time with friends and family, pursue your hobbies, or do whatever else brings you joy. Taking care of yourself will help you to heal and move on.

Avoid Contact with Your Ex

One of the best things you can do to get over a breakup is to avoid contact with your ex. This may be difficult at first, especially if you have children together or share mutual friends. However, it’s important to create some distance so that you can heal and move on.

If you have to have contact with your ex, keep it brief and to the point. Don’t try to rehash the relationship or get back together. Instead, focus on the present and the future. Avoid contact with your ex online. If they are following you on social media, unfollow them or even temporarily block them if you need to.

Focus on the Future

Once you’ve started to heal and move on, it’s important to focus on the future. What do you want out of life? What are your goals? What makes you happy? Start to make plans for the future and take steps toward achieving your goals.

Focusing on the future will help you to get over your ex and move on to a brighter and happier chapter in your life.


  1. Q: How long does it take to get over a long-term relationship?

    A: There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. It depends on a variety of factors, including the length of the relationship, the reasons for the breakup, and your own personal coping mechanisms. However, most experts agree that it takes at least a few months to start to heal from a breakup. It may take even longer to fully get over the relationship and move on.

  2. Q: What are some tips for getting over a long-term relationship?

    A: There are many things you can do to help you get over a long-term relationship. Some helpful tips include: allowing yourself to grieve, taking care of yourself, avoiding contact with your ex, and focusing on the future.

  3. Q: Is it possible to be friends with your ex after a long-term relationship?

    A: It is possible to be friends with your ex after a long-term relationship, but it is not always easy. It is important to give yourself and your ex time to heal before trying to be friends. You will also need to set clear boundaries and make sure that both of you are on the same page about what your friendship is going to look like.

Call to Action

If you are going through a breakup, know that you are not alone. Millions of people go through breakups every year, and while it may not feel like it now, you will eventually heal and move on. In the meantime, allow yourself to grieve, take care of yourself, avoid contact with your ex, and focus on the future. These tips will help you to get over your long-term relationship and move on to a brighter and happier chapter in your life.

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